Saturday, October 10, 2020



1. The transitional zone between two adjacent communities is

            a. Ecotype

            b. Ecoline

            c. Ecotone

            d. Ecozone

Correct answer: c, Ecotone is the transitional zone between two adjacent communities. It is where two biomes meet and integrate.

2. Which of the following statements is correct regarding pyramid of biomass of pond ecosystem?

            a. Biomass of consumer is greater than biomass of producer

            b. Biomass of producers is greater than biomass of consumer

            c. Large carnivores’ fishes are primary consumers

            d. Biomass of producer is equal to biomass of consumer

Correct answer: a, In pond ecosystem, biomass of consumers is greater than biomass of producers. Such a pyramid is inverted.

3. Gaseous exchange between animals and atmosphere is negligible in

            a. Carbon cycle

            b. Phosphorous cycle

            c. Oxygen cycle

            d. Carbon and phosphorous cycles

Correct answer: b, In phosphorous cycle, gaseous exchange between organism and atmosphere is negligible. There is no respiratory release of phosphorous in the atmosphere.


4. Biological maintenance of a constant internal environment is called

            a. Adaptability

            b. Thermal conversion

            c. Homeostasis

            d. Ecological efficiency

Correct answer: c, Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment in response to environmental changes.

5. According to Raunkiaer (1934), the plants whose buds occur very deep in the soil are

            a. Therophytes

            b. Cryophytes

            c. Hemicryophytes

            d. Chemaephytes

Correct answer: b, Cryptophytes are the plants whose buds occur very deep in the soil e.g. bulbs, rhizomes, corm, tubers etc.

6. Rocks of the Earth's crust are a major contributor to the

            a. Calcium cycle

            b. Oxygen cycle

            c. Carbon cycle

            d. Nitrogen cycle

Correct answer: c, Rocks of the Earth's crust contain carbonates and are major contributors of carbon to the carbon cycle.



7. Pioneer stage of succession in xerosere always begins with

            a. Thin soil on rock

            b. Xeric rock

            c. Thick layer of soil on rock

            d. Water bed

Correct answer: b, Primary stage of succession in xerosere develops on extremely xeric rock. Here, the water and nutrients are extremely scarce and conditions are hostile by exposure to the sun and temperature.

8. Submerged state of succession in water is characterised by the presence of

            a. Carex

            b. Typha

            c. Trapa

            d. Utricularia

Correct answer: d, Submerged state of succession in water is characterised by the presence of utricularia. Utricularia is a submerged aquatic plant and on death adds organic matter to the bottom.

9. Grazing food chain (GFC) is a major conduit for energy flow in

            a. Desert ecosystem

            b. Terrestrial ecosystem

            c. Aquatic ecosystem

            d. Both desert and terrestrial ecosystem

Correct answer: c, Grazing food chain is a major conduit for energy flow in aquatic ecosystem.

10. Rate of decomposition is slower if detritus is rich in which of the following?

a. Lignin
b. Nitrogen
c. Chitin
d. Sugars

            a. b and d

            b. a and c

            c. a and b

            d. c and d

Correct answer: b,  Rate of decomposition is slow if the soil is rich in lignin and chitin.

11. In a grassland ecosystem, the tropic level equivalent of birds in tree ecosystem is of

            a. Grasshopper

            b. Frogs

            c. Snakes

            d. Eagle

Correct answer: a, Tropic level of grasshopper in grassland ecosystem is T2, which is the same as tropic level of birds in a tree ecosystem.

12. Primary productivity depends upon which of the following factors?

a. Flora of a particular area
b. Fauna of a particular area
c. Environment of a particular area

            a. Only a

            b. Only b

            c. Both a and b

            d. Both a and c

Correct answer: d, Primary productivity depends upon plant species (flora) inhabiting a particular area. It also depends upon several environmental factors like availability of nutrients and photosynthetic capability of the plants.

13. Pyramid of number in a parasitic food chain is always

            a. Upright

            b. Inverted

            c. Either upright or inverted

            d. Partly upright

Correct answer: b, Inverted pyramid of number is seen in a parasitic food chain (where one primary producer supports numerous parasites) as it supports more hyperparasites.

14. Net primary productivity takes which of the following into consideration?

            a. Biomass of primary producers left over by consumers

            b. Resynthesis of energy yielding substrates

            c. Loss due to respiration

            d. Energy trapped by photosynthesis

Correct answer: c, Net primary productivity considers losses due to respiration and decomposition. It is given by gross productivity minus losses due to production.

15. Which of the following ecosystems has the least amount of decomposers?

            a. Pond ecosystem

            b. Forest ecosystem

            c. Agro ecosystem

            d. Desert ecosystem

Correct answer: d, There are very few decomposers in a desert ecosystem. Due to poor vegetation, the amount of dead organic matter is correspondingly less. There are some fungi and bacteria in a desert ecosystem most of which are thermophilic

16. In case of pond ecosystem, in which of the following zones is it expected to see miscellany of plants along with zooplanktons?

            a. Littoral

            b. Limnetic

            c. Profoundal

            d. Both a and b

Correct answer: b, Limnetic zone is the region of open water, where light can reach. This zone contains miscellany of plants and zooplanktons.

17. Which of the following statements are true for certain plants classified as heliophytes?

a. They have coarse tiny leaves with hairy and waxy protection.
b. They have larger photosynthetic units than sciophytes.
c. Chloroplasts have a protective element such as carotenoid.
d. Polytrichum commune is a typical example.

            a. a and d

            b. b and d

            c. a and c

            d. b and c

Correct answer: c, Heliophytes have coarse tiny leaves with hairy and waxy protection against excessive light radiation and water loss. Their chloroplasts have a protective element, such as carotenoid and enzymes.

18. Which of the following characteristics can be attributed to Poikilothermal animals?

a. They undergo aestivation during summers.
b. They undergo hibernation during winters.
c. Their body is generally covered with hair.
d. They generally have constant body temperature.

            a. b and d

            b. a and c

            c. c and d

            d. a and b

Correct answer: d, Poikilotherms hibernate in winters to prevent themselves from cold and undergo aestivation during summers to prevent themselves from high temperature.

19. Vines, maple and spring flowers are common in an ecosystem where

            a. Rainfall ranges from 10-35 cm

            b. Rainfall is below 25 cm

            c. Rainfall ranges from 75 to 100 cm

            d. Rainfall is greater than 140 cm

Correct answer: a, Vines, maple and spring flowers are common in Taiga forests where rainfall ranges from 10 to 35 cm.

20. Benthos with respect to pond ecosystem are

            a. Primary consumers in the water surface

            b. Primary consumers under the water surface

            c. Secondary consumers under the water surface

            d. Decomposers on floor of pond

Correct answer: b, Primary consumers which are found under the surface of water are called as benthos, such as many type of fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, insects, beetles, etc. They too feed on producers.

21. Primary consumers are in greater number than producers in

            a. Pyramid of number of pond ecosystem

            b. Pyramid of number of grassland ecosystem

            c. Pyramid of number of tree ecosystem

            d. Pyramid of number of both pond and tree ecosystems

Correct answer: c, In pyramid of tree ecosystem, consumers are in greater number than producers. Thus, inverted pyramid of number is obtained.

22. In pyramid of number of forest ecosystem,

            a. Number of producers is more than number of herbivores

            b. Number of carnivores is more than number of herbivores

            c. Number of herbivores is more than number of carnivores

            d. Number of producers is more than number of carnivores

Correct answer: c, In pyramid of number of forest ecosystem, number of herbivores is more than number of carnivores. Partly upright pyramid of number is obtained for forest ecosystem.

23. Choose the correct alternative from the following:

Assertion (A): Phosphorous cycle is the slowest biogeochemical cycle.
Reason (R): Phosphates move quickly through plants and animals.

            a. Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A

            b. Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A

            c. A is true but R is false

            d. A is false but R is true

Correct Answer: b, Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. Phosphorous cycle is the slowest biogeochemical cycle because the processes that move phosphates through the soil or ocean are very slow and decomposers take a longer time to decompose any dead biota into phosphates.

24. In lithosere, the first stage commences with the dominance of which of the following organisms?

            a. Lecidia, Rinodina and Graphis

            b. Dermatocarpon, Parmelia and Physcia

            c. Torula, Grimmia and Bryum

            d. Poa, Tridax and Festuca

Correct answer: a, The first stage that commences in lithosere is with the dominance of Lecidia, Rinodina and Graphis. This is called the crustose lichen stage and is marked by conditions aggravated by exposure to the Sun, wind, and extreme temperature.

25. Amount of CO2 fixed by a gram of chlorophyll in an hour is a measure of

            a. Net primary productivity

            b. Gross primary productivity

            c. Net community productivity

            d. Secondary productivity

Correct answer: Gross primary productivity is measured in terms of assimilation number or photosynthetic number, i.e. amount of CO2 fixed by a gram of chlorophyll in an hour.


26. Which of the following organisms is not a nitrogen fixer?

            a. Rhizobium

            b. Aulosina

            c. Pseudomonas

            d. Clostridium

Correct answer: Pseudomonas is a bacterium that helps in the denitrification process. It reduces nitrates to molecular nitrogen.

27. Which of the following is true about the biogeochemical cycle?

            a. Smaller biological water cycle is found in aquatic ecosystems

            b. Nitrogen returns to the soil after the death of organism in form of nitrates

            c. Volcanic activities add phosphorous into the atmosphere

            d. Clostridium reduces the sulfur under anaerobic conditions

Correct answer: a, Smaller biological water cycle comprises environmental water into the living system and its return. Aquatic animals absorb water from their surroundings and excrete it. After the death of organisms, water returns to the surrounding medium through the process of decay. Like this, a smaller biological water cycle is found in aquatic ecosystems.


 likely organisms A, B, C and D, respectively in the food web given above are

            a. Monkey, lizard, earthworm, deer

            b. Deer, snake, earthworm, eagle

            c. Squirrel, fox, earthworm, deer

            d. Squirrel, snake, grasshopper, deer

Correct answer: d, A is squirrel as squirrel eats fungus and is eaten by hawk; B is snake as snake eats shrew and is eaten by hawk or mountain lion; C is grasshopper as grasshopper eats grass and is eaten by shrew or insect eating bird; D is deer as deer eats plants and shrubs and is eaten by mountain lion.





29. A parasitic food chain starts with

            a. Parasite

            b. Herbivore or producer

            c. Saprophyte

            d. Dead organic matter

Correct answer: b, Parasitic food chain starts with herbivore which passes the energy to parasites. In this type of food chain, either the producer or the consumer is parasitised and therefore, the food passes to the smaller organism. The energy transfer through this kind of food chain is not significant. 
Producer Herbivore Parasite Hyperparasite

30. The minimum requirement for an ecosystem to survive is

            a. Primary and secondary consumers

            b. Producers and primary consumers

            c. Producers and decomposers

            d. Consumers and decomposers

Correct answer: c, The minimum requirement for an ecosystem to survive is producers and decomposers. Decomposers are essential for recycling of materials and thereby providing nutrients for the producers. All heterotrophs in the food web ultimately depend upon producers for their food.

31. The association between a barnacle and a blue whale can be rightly said as:

            a. Ammensalism

            b. Mutualism

            c. Predation

            d. Commensalism

Correct answer: d, The symbiotic relationship between a barnacle and a whale is known as commensalism, which describes an inter-species interaction that benefits at least one participant. Whales do not gain a significant benefit from the presence of barnacles on their bodies. However, their presence is not especially damaging or harmful to the whales either. Barnacles, on the other hand, gain a tremendous advantage from their partnership with whales. By attaching themselves to the belly, back and sides of whales, they enable themselves to hitch a free ride through nutrient-rich water environments. This allows barnacles to consume micro-organisms that float freely in the water, which would otherwise be inaccessible to the barnacles.

32. In a relationship between prickly pear and moth,

            a. Moth is harmed

            b. Prickly pear is harmed

            c. Prickly pear is benefitted

            d. Both prickly pear and moth are benefitted

Correct answer: b, Moth threatens the population of prickly pear; thus prickly pear is harmed. Moth is used as a biological control agent for prickly pear.

33. Production and storage of toxin to keep away predators is used by:

            a. Opuntia

            b. Acacia

            c. Calotropis

            d. Papavar

Correct answer: c, Calotropis produces and stores a toxin to keep away the predators. Cattle often stay away from the plants because of their unpleasant taste and their content of cardiac glycosides.


34. Camouflage for defence to lessen the impact of predation is observed in

            a. Fungi and Algae

            b. Monarch butterflies and dead butterflies

            c. Frogs and monarch butterflies

            d. Frogs and insects

Correct answer: d, Frogs and most of the insects camouflage to lessen the impact of predation.

35. Allen's rule is visible in which of the following organisms?

            a. Kangaroo rats

            b. Desert lizards

            c. Polar bears

            d. Desert plants

Correct answer: c, According to Allen's rule, cold climate mammals have short ears and limbs to minimise heat loss. This is visible in polar bears. Polar bear is a cold climate mammal which has short ears and limbs.

36. Spontaneous reduction in development process and metabolism to deal with the stressful condition is observed in:

            a. Zooplankton

            b. Polar bears

            c. Snails

            d. Seeds

Correct answer: a, To deal with stressful situations diapause, i.e. spontaneous reduction in development process and metabolism is observed in zooplankton.


37. Salmon and coral reefs respectively are

            a. Thermophilic and Cryophilic

            b. Cryophilic and Thermophilic

            c. Stenothermal and eurythermal

            d. Both are eurythermal organisms

Correct answer: b, Salmon are cryophilic, i.e. they thrive at low temperature; whereas coral reefs are thermophilic, i.e. they thrive at high temperature.

38. Mortality is the number of deaths in an area

            a. To the number of births in an area

            b. Per unit area

            c. Per 1000 individuals

            d. To the total population of the area

Correct answer: d, Mortality is the ratio of the number of deaths in an area to the total population of the area. It is expressed as the loss of individuals with respect to the members of the population.

39. A population pyramid with extremely low percentage of younger population reflects

            a. High death rate and high birth rate

            b. Low death rate and high life expectancy

            c. Low death rate and low birth rate

            d. High birth rate and low life expectancy

Correct answer: c, A population pyramid with extremely low percentage of younger population reflects low death rate and low birth rate. Such pyramids are constrictive pyramids. It is typical for a highly developed country.


40. Least concentration of clay is seen in

            a. Clayey soil

            b. Sandy-loam soil

            c. Clay-loam soil

            d. Silt-loam soil

Correct answer: b, Sandy-loam soil has 20% clay.

41. Water which is available and absorbed by the plants exists as

            a. Water between soil particles

            b. Water in chemical compounds

            c. Water at water table

            d. Water tightly held by soil particles

Correct answer: a, Water that exists between soil particles in small capillary pores is called capillary water. This water is available to plants and readily absorbed by them.

42. The maximum birth rate that a species can achieve under ideal environmental conditions is:

            a. Realized natality

            b. Potential natality

            c. Population density

            d. Ecological density

Correct answer: b, The maximum birth rate that a species can achieve under ideal environmental conditions is potential natality.

43. In a J-shaped growth curve, the lag phase signifies

            a. Period of slow rise in population due to environmental conditions

            b. Rapid rise in population due to plenty of food available

            c. Period of adaptation

            d. Period of stable growth

Correct answer: c, Lag phase in a J-shaped curve is a period of adaptation of animals to new environment, so it is characterized by slow or no growth in population.

44. Which of the following statements is true with respect to Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth?

            a. Population grows in habitat having limited resources

            b. Population grows in a habitat having copious resources

            c. Carrying capacity is never achieved

            d. J-shaped curve is obtained

Correct answer: a, According to Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth, a population grows in a habitat which has limited resources. In exponential or geometric growth curve, population grows in a habitat having unlimited resources.

45. Which of the following statements are correct?

a. Oysters produce a small number of large sized offspring.
b. Bamboo breed only once in lifetime.
c. In both predation and parasitism, only one species is benefited.

            a. a and c

            b. a and b

            c. b and c

            d. a, b and c

Correct answer: c, This is the correct answer as both statements b and c are true.

46. The maximum population size of a species that an environment can sustain indefinitely is known as which of the following?

            a. Field capacity

            b. Carrying capacity

            c. Reproductive success

            d. Age specific rate

Correct answer: b, Carrying capacity of a biological species in an environment is the maximum population size of the species that the environment can sustain indefinitely, given that it has all it needs for survival.

47. Stenothermal organisms can survive in a

            a. Broad range of temperature

            b. Narrow range of temperature

            c. Wide range of salinity

            d. Narrow range of salinity

Correct answer: b, Stenothermal organisms can tolerate and thrive in a narrow range of temperature.

48. Choose the correct alternative from the following.

Assertion (A): Small animals lose their body heat fast.
Reason (R): Small animals have small surface/volume ratio.

            a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

            b. Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A

            c. A is true but R is false

            d. A is false but R is true

Correct answer: c, A is true but R is false. Small animals lose their body heat very fast but they do not have a small surface/volume ratio. In fact, small animals have large surface/volume ratio

49. 'Suspend' is one of the ways by which organisms deal with stressful conditions. Match the organism with the way it undertakes to cope with stressful conditions.

Method to suspend


1. Dormancy

a. Zooplankton

2. Hibernation

b. Seed

3. Aestivation

c. Bear

4. Diapause

d. Snail


            a. 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 – a

            b. 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - d, 4 – c

            c. 1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - c, 4 – a

            d. 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 – d

Correct answer: a, Seeds go into a dormant state to cope with stressful conditions. They germinate under favorable conditions. 
Bears undergo hibernation to cope with extreme cold conditions. 
Snails undergo aestivation to avoid summer related problems. 
Zooplanktons enter diapause, a state of suspended development.

50. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

            a. Breed many times in a lifetime - Birds and mammals

            b. Breed once in a lifetime - Pacific salmon fish

            c. Produce small sized but large number of offspring – Oysters

            d. Produce large sized but small number of offspring - Pelagic fishes

Correct answer: d, This is an incorrect pair. Pelagic fishes produce small sized but large number of offspring.

51. Which of the following factors have a positive effect on population density?

a. Immigration
b. Emigration
c. Natality
d. Mortality

            a. Only b and d

            b. Only a and d

            c. Only a and c

            d. Only b and c

Correct answer: c, A positive effect on population density is caused by immigration and natality. Both help in increasing the population.

52. Tight one to one relationship is observed between fig and female wasp. The female wasp uses the fig tree for which of the following?

a. Egg laying
b. Obtaining food for itself
c. Nourishment for larvae
d. Obtaining nectar

            a. Only a and d

            b. Only a and b

            c. Only a and c

            d. Only b and c

Correct answer: c, Female wasp uses fig fruits for oviposition (egg laying). It also uses the developing fruits within the larvae for nourishing its larvae.

53. Which of the following associations shows the same relationship as an orchid and mango branch?

            a. Flamingo and Fish

            b. Cow and Cuckoo

            c. Plant root and fungus

            d. Cattle and egret

Correct answer: d, The relationship between cattle and egret shows commensalism interaction. Similarly, orchids show commensal interaction with mango branch. Orchids get support of the mango plant, while mango plant does not get any benefit. Similarly, egrets always forge where cattle are grazing and eat insects flushed out by cattle from the vegetation. However, cattle achieve no benefit from egrets.

54. Balanus dominatus of rocky sea coasts of Scotland excluded the smaller Barnacle Chathamalus from the intertidal area. State the relationship mentioned in this sentence?

            a. Parasitism

            b. Predation

            c. Competitive release

            d. Emigration

Correct answer: c, Balanus dominatus of rocky sea coasts of Scotland excluded the smaller Barnacle Chathamalus from the intertidal area. This relation is competitive release (restriction of a species to a small geographical area because of presence of a competitively superior species).

55. Which of the following options is true according to Allen's rule?

            a. Animals living in cold climate have shorter ears and longer limbs

            b. Animals living in cold climate have shorter ears and shorter limbs

            c. Animals living in cold climate have longer ears and shorter limbs

            d. Aquatic animals in polar region have blubbers under their skin

Correct answer: b, According to Allen's rule, animals living in cold climate have shorter ears and limbs to prevent heat loss.

56. How does female anopheles mosquito benefit from its host?

            a. Female anopheles mosquito needs fats from the host for making its eggs.

            b. Female anopheles mosquito takes food from the host.

            c. Female anopheles mosquito needs blood of host for making eggs

            d.  Female anopheles mosquito needs blood of host for making eggs and obtains food from the host

Correct answer: c, Female anopheles mosquito needs the host's blood for making eggs. Its eggs require iron, which it derives from the blood.

57. A population pyramid with a narrow base does not tend to have low

            a. Life expectancy

            b. Death rate

            c. Birth rate

            d. Younger population

Correct answer: a, A population pyramid with a wide base (expansive pyramid) is of population with low life expectancy

58. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. Aquatic organisms never face any problem from water.
2. Geographical distribution is dependent upon level of thermal tolerance of different species.
3. Sunlight is insignificant for animals who are dependent on plants for food.

            a. Only 1 and 3

            b. Only 1 and 2

            c. Only 2

            d. Only 2 and 3

Correct answer: Statement 1 is false as aquatic organisms are influenced by the pH of water. Different organisms can tolerate different salt concentrations. 
Statement 2 is true as geographical distribution is dependent upon level of thermal tolerance of different species. Some animals can tolerate high temperatures whereas optimum temperature for others is different. 
Statement 3 is false as sunlight plays a significant role in the life of animals that are dependent on plants for food. Animals use diurnal and seasonal variations in light intensity and duration as hints for foraging, reproductive and migratory activities.

59. A large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat constitutes

            a. Population

            b. Biome

            c. Community

            d. Ecosystem

Correct answer: A large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat constitutes biome

59. Which of the following animals in North American desert has the capability to meet all its water requirements through internal oxidation of fats?

            a. Kangaroo rat

            B.Wool rat

            c. Horned lizard

            d.Desert tortoise

Correct answer: a, Kangaroo rat in North American desert has the capability to meet all its water requirements through internal oxidation of fats. This enables the kangaroo rat to survive for months without water.


60. Odum defined ecology as the branch of science which deals with the study of

            a. Relationship between things and environment

            b. Structure and function of nature

            c. Interaction between species

            d. Ecological importance of the environment

Correct answer: b, According to Odum (1965), ecology is the branch of science which deals with the study of structure and functions of nature.

61. Occurrence of more than two type of leaves in a plant is called heterophylly. Heterophylly is found in

            a. Eichhornia

            b. Nymphaea

            c. Sagittaria

            d. Vallisneria

Correct answer: c, Occurrence of more than two types of leaves in a plant is called heterophylly. It is seen in sagittaria. It bear leaves of many types namely submerged leaves, floating leaves, aerial leaves etc.

62. If the survivor-ship curve of organism X is straight, then X most probably is:

            a. Birds

            b. Fishes

            c. Large mammals

            d. Hydra

Correct answer: d, Survivor-ship curve is straight (type II) for hydra. Individuals with straight curve have a death rate that is relatively constant at any age. X is hydra.

63. Grasses like Cynodon dactylon are exploited in method X of soil conversion. Which of the following is method X?

            a. Strip cropping

            b. Mulching

            c. Lay farming

            d. Dry farming

Correct answer: c, Lay farming aims to grow grasses Cynadon dactylon in rotation with the field crops, which helps in binding the structure of the soil, preventing soil erosion and improving its fertility.

64. Supporting services of an ecosystem include

            a. Food products

            b. Water recycling

            c. Cultural heritage

            d. Pest regulation

Correct answer: b, Water recycling is included in the supporting services. Supporting services include those ecosystem services which are necessary for the production of all other ecosystem services, such as soil formation, primary production, water cycling, nutrient cycling, etc

65. Upright and inverted pyramids, respectively, are obtained for

            a. pyramid of energy of grassland ecosystem and pyramid of number of grassland ecosystem

            b. pyramid of biomass of tree ecosystem and pyramid of number of tree ecosystem

            c.  pyramid of biomass of pond ecosystem and pyramid of number of pond ecosystem

            d. pyramid of number of grassland ecosystem and pyramid of number of pond ecosystem

Correct answer: b, Pyramid of biomass of tree ecosystem is upright, whereas pyramid of number of tree ecosystem is inverted.

66. Apropos to hydrophytic adaptations, which of the following sentences is true?

            a. Vascular tissue is more developed in submerged form as compared to in floating form

            b. Leaves of amphibian plants show mesophytic characters.

            c. Submerged plants are cutinized

            d. Mechanical tissues are present in the submerged plants to give mechanical support

Correct answer: b, Mesophytes are terrestrial plants which are adapted to neither a particularly dry nor a particularly wet environment. The amphibious plants are marshy plants, the leaves that are exposed to air show typical mesophytic features. They are leathery and tougher than the submerged and floating hydrophytes.

67. Australian acacia is adapted to desert climate. An adaptation seen in its leaves is

            a. Reduction of leaves to the spines

            b. Flattening of petiole

            c. Upward rolling of leaves

            d. Modification of stipules into spines

Correct answer: b, In Australian acacia, petiole becomes flattened, green, leaf-like and does the work of normal lamina. This modified structure is called phyllode

68. Which of the following statements is suitable for euhydatophytes?

            a. Reproductive portions are submerged

            b. Vegetative portions are submerged

            c. Whole plant is submerged

            d. These plants can live on both land and water

Correct answer: b, Euhydatophytes are those aquatic plants whose vegetative portions are submerged.

69. Obligate heliophytes are the plants which

            a. Can bear shade

            b. Can tolerate high light intensity

            c. Cannot bear shade

            d. Cannot tolerate high light intensity.

Correct answer: Heliophytes that cannot bear shade are termed as obligate heliophytes.

70. Insects like mayflies, dragonflies and stone-flies are characterized by

            a. Incomplete metamorphosis

            b. Complete metamorphosis

            c. Gradual metamorphosis

            d. No metamorphosis

Correct answer: a, Mayflies, dragonflies and stone-flies are characterized by incomplete metamorphosis. The adult insect with incomplete metamorphosis lays its eggs in or near water and the naiads develop in water. The adults are flying insects that live out of water. Naiads and adults, therefore, do not eat the same kind of food. Naiads have chewing mouth parts, but the adults have differently shaped chewing mouth parts or no functional mouth parts. The naiad and the adult usually differ a lot in appearance, although the naiads gradually develop wings

71. Anthoceros is a genus of hornworts. Hornworts obtain N2by symbiotic relationship with

            a. Azolla

            b. Nostoc

            c. Calothrix

            d. Oscillatoria

Correct answer: b, Anthoceros species are host to species of Nostoc, a symbiotic relationship in which Nostoc provides nitrogen to its host through cells known as heterocysts

72. The reed-swamp stage of hydrosere is dominated by

            a. Elodea, Vallisneria and Urticularia

            b. Pistia, Trapa and Lemna

            c.  Rumex, Typha and Scripus

            d. Carex, Cyperus and Juncus

Correct answer: c, Rumex, Typha and Scripus dominate the reed-swamp stage of hydrosere. This stage is also known as the amphibious stage. The plants have well developed rhizomes and form very dense vegetation. The water level is by now very much reduced and finally becomes unsuitable for these plants

73. Constructive pyramid is obtained for a country which has

            a. Low death rate, low birth rate

            b. High death rate, high birth rate

            c. Short life expectancy

            d. Poor health care facilities

Correct answer: a, Constructive pyramid is obtained for a country which has low death rate but also low birth rate; and a few or no negative environmental factors


 74. Scotophilous plants exhibit best growth at lower light intensities. Which of the following characteristics are true about scotophilous plants?

a. They show normal growth and internodes are elongated.
b. Chlorophylls are lacking in epidermal cells.
c. Stomata are present in equal numbers on both surfaces of leaf.
d. Stomata are sunken.

            a. a and b

            b. a and c

            c. b and d

            d. b and c

Correct answer: b, In Scotophilous plants shoots grow normally and internodes are elongated. Stomata are in equal numbers present on both the surfaces of leaf.

75. Plant species on the verge of extinction due to excessive quarrying in Kerala is

            a. Podophyllum

            b. Dipcadi montanum

            c. Polygala irregularis

            d. Psilotum nodum

Correct answer: b, Dipcadi montanum, a rare flowering plant that once found in abundance on the slopes of Nelliampathy, is on the verge of extinction in Kerala, largely due to unchecked granite quarrying.

76. The relationship between hermit crab and sea-anemone is a typical example of

            a. Allelopathy

            b. Obligatory mutualism

            c. Proto-co-operation

            d. Endosymbiosis

Correct answer: c, Proto-co-operation is a type of interaction where both population are benefitted but not obligatory i.e. not essential for survival of either population. This is a non-obligatory mutualism. The relationship between hermit crab and sea-anemone is an example of protocooperation. The crab uses the gastropod shell as a portable shield and the sea anemone eats the leftover food which is protected from its predators by stinging cells of the sea anemone.

77. Psammosere can be defined as the succession which starts on

            a. Secondary bare area

            b. Normal soil with moderate amount of water

            c. Sand

            d. Primary bare area

Correct answer: c, Psammosere is defined as the succession which starts on sand.

78. Artemesia tridentata is a good example of

            a. Eurythermal plant

            b. Stenothermal plant

            c. Microthermal plant

            d. Megathermal plant

Correct answer: a, Plants of wide limits of tolerance of heat are called eurythermal plants. Artemisia tridentata is regarded as a good example of eurythermal plant.

79. Which of the following points about Scotophilous plants is correct?

a. They grow in shady areas.
b. Inter-nodes are elongated.
c. Plants are well branched and bushy.
d. Epidermis is made up of thick walled cells.

            a. c and d

            b. a and b

            c. a and c

            d. b and d

Correct answer: b, Scotophilous plants grow best at lower light intensities i.e. they grow in shady areas. The shoots of these plants show normal growth and inter-nodes are elongated. These plants show less branching and their epidermis is made up of comparatively thin-celled walls.

80. _____ are very small plants that can grow in ultra low temperatures of Alpine region.

            a. Hekistotherm

            b. Microtherms

            c. Mesotherms

            d. Megatherms

Correct answer: a, Hekistotherm are very small plants (like grasses) of Arctic and Alpine regions (above 16000 feet in tropics and 12000 feet in temperate) that can grow in ultra low temperatures.

81.  Reproductive cooperation is interaction among the species for continuance of species. A kind of cooperation in which partnership of male and female lasts throughout life is seen in which of the following?

            a. Sawns, sparrows and wild turkey

            b. Swans, wolves and foxes

            c. Sparrows, wolves and swans

            d. Rats, sparrows and deer

Correct answer: b, Swans, wolves and foxes are monogamous. They form long term bonds and may remain together for several breeding seasons without elaborate courtship

82. Any increase or decrease in number of individuals in a population from its equilibrium state is called population fluctuation. It may occur due to which of the following?

            a. Fast or slow growth of population

            b. Immigration or emigration

            c. Predation

            d. All of the above

Correct answer: c, Any increase or decrease in number of individuals in a population from its equilibrium state is called population fluctuation. It may occur due to change in physical environment or due to predators.

83. Which of the following do not exhibit inter-specific competition?

            a. Individual grass plants in lawn

            b. Squirrels and Chipmunks

            c. Desert coyote and sidewinder rattlesnake

            d. Sponges and Corals

Correct Answer: a, Plants of the same species, that receive nitrogen and water from the same resource pool, exhibit intra-specific competition, such as individual grass plants in a lawn.

84. Waggle dance of honey bees is indicative of which of the following?

            a. A gesture to attract mates

            b. Danger in the vicinity

            c. Information about availability of food

            d. Direction and distance of food from the bee hive

Correct answer: d, Waggle dance of honey bees indicates direction and distance of food from bee hive. The waggle dance is really a round dance with tail wagging in the middle. The further away the food source, the more waggles there are in the dance. The bee increases the waggle part of the dance by 1 second for every km of distance

85. Directions: Choose the incorrect sentence from the following.

            a. Dry weather causes clay soil to bake hard and crack on the surface.

            b. Silty soils are fertile and drain more effectively than clay

            c. Sandy soils have poor fertility

            d. Clay holds more moisture than silt

Correct answer: b, Silt holds more moisture than clay because silt particles are smaller than clay. Soils with smaller particles have a larger surface area and a large surface area allows a soil to hold more water.

86. Hermit crab and sea anemone exhibit a typical interaction which is known as

            a. Proto-co-operation

            b. Obligatory mutualism

            c. Allelopathy

            d. Endosymbiosis

Correct answer: a, Proto-co-operation is a type of interaction where both populations are benefitted but not obligatory, i.e. not essential for survival of either population. This is a non-obligatory mutualism. The relationship between hermit crab and sea anemone is an example of proto-co-operation. The crab uses the gastropod shell as a portable shield and the sea anemone eats the leftover food which is protected from its predators by stinging cells of the sea anemone.


87. according to Red List, Asiatic wild ass is a/an

            a. Extinct species

            b. Endangered species

            c. Nearly threatened species

            d. Vulnerable species

Correct answer: c, As per Red List, Asiatic wild ass is assessed as 'near threatened' (NT) because a population decline of at least 20% is projected over the next three generations.

88. According to the light requirement for flowering, all of the following are short day plants, except:

            a. Tobacco

            b. Soybean

            c. Pea

            d. Paddy

Correct answer: Pea is a long day plant as it flowers when exposed to longer photoperiods. It is also a short night plant.

89. Roots penetrate very easily in the soil which has

            a. Size of particles less than 0.02 mm

            b. Size of particles between 0.002 to 0.02 mm

            c. Size of particles between 0.02 to 2.00 mm

            d. High water holding capacity

Correct answer: c, Sandy soils have size of particles between 0.02 and 2.00 mm. Roots penetrate very easily in this type of soil.


90. Mycorrhiza is endotrophic in the case of

            a. Oak

            b. Maple

            c. Pinus

            d. Vanilla

Correct answer: d, Vanilla (orchid family) has endotrophic mycorrhiza. In this case, the mycelia of mycorrhizic fungus enter into cortex of the roots and reside intracellularly

91. Which of the following is the correct pair of the highest and the lowest level of organisation, respectively?

            a. Ecosystem-Landscape

            b. Landscape-Population

            c. Population-Community

            d. Community-Ecosystem

Correct answer: b, The correct pair of the highest and the lowest level of organisation is 'Landscape - Population'. The highest level of organisation is the landscape which is delimited by a particular climate or geographical area. A population is all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding

92. Reindeer live in a predator-free environment. Which of the following statements are true about the growth model of reindeer's growth?

a. The rate of the growth becomes faster as the time passes.
b. The rate of the growth becomes slower as the time passes.
c. The graph of this model is J-shaped.
d. The graph of this model is S-shaped.


            a. a and c

            b. a and d

            c. b and d

            d. b and c

Correct answer: a, Model of reindeer's growth is exponential growth model. Here, the rate of change increases over time. The rate of the growth becomes faster as the time passes and the graph of this model is J-shaped.

93. According to Malthus, the positive checks on population control were

            a. Floods, draughts and Famines

            b. Abstinence, draughts and Famines

            c. Moral restraint, Abstinence and Postponement of marriage

            d.Hunger, epidemic and wars

Correct answer: d, According to Malthus, the positive checks to reduce the population size were hunger, epidemic and wars. They increase the mortality rate and decrease the life expectancy.

94. In Hydra-Chlorella interaction, Hydra helps Chlorella by

            a. Providing shelter

            b. Providing minerals

            c. Protecting from predators

            d. Absorbing water

Correct answer: a, Hydra provides shelter to Chlorella when associated symbiotically to it.

95. Succession on a newly exposed island is an example of

            a. Primary succession

            b. Secondary succession

            c. Autogenic succession

            d. Allogenic succession

Correct answer: a, Succession on a newly exposed island is a suitable example for primary succession. Primary succession begins on a sterile area which was not previously occupied by any community.

96. In Parasitodism, the larval and adult forms of parasite are respectively

            a. Free living, Endoparasite

            b. Endoparasite, free living

            c Both are endoparasites

            d. Both are free living

Correct answer: b,  In Parasitodism, the larval form completes its life cycle inside the host, thus it acts as Endoparasite, The adult form is free living.

97. The relationship exhibited by Myxotricha paradoxa and bacteria living inside the  Australian termites is

            a. Proto-co-operation

            b. Symbiosis

            c. Mutualism

            d. Competition

Correct answer: c, Mixotricha forms mutualistic relationships with bacteria living inside the termite. There are a total of four species of bacterial symbionts. While Mixotricha has four anterior flagella, it does not use them for locomotion, but more for steering. For locomotion, about 250,000 hairlikeTreponema spirochetes, a species of helical bacteria, are attached to the cell surface and provide the cell with cilia-like movements. Mixotricha also has rod-shaped bacteria arranged in an ordered pattern on the surface of the cell; both of these types are ectosymbionts. In addition it has spherical bacteria inside the cell; these endosymbionts function as mitochondria, which Mixotricha lacks.

98. Graphis, Rhizocarpon and Lecidia in Xerosere constitutes the

            a. Primary community

            b. Pioneer community

            c. Climax community

            d. Intermediate community

Correct answer: Graphis, Rhizocarpon and Lecidia in Xerosere constitutes the pioneer community. Pioneer community comprises of the organisms that colonizes the xeric rock for the first time.

99. In any Hydrosere, the pioneer community is

            a. Blue-green algae

            b. Phytoplanktons

            c. Submerged plants

            d. Plants with broad leaves

Correct answer: b, In any hydrosere the pioneer community is constituted by phytoplanktons. They generate a huge biomass and on death and decay add organic matter to the bottom which helps in the growth of other plants.

100.  Which factor maintains distinctive traits of the species?

            a. Continuous inter-communication

            b. Geographical isolation

            c. Reproductive isolation

            d. Specific niche

Correct answer: c, Reproductive isolation maintains distinctive traits of the species.













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